
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Kappa Vevichathu - Kottayam Style - RECIPE#157

Step 1:- Chop  2- 2 1/2  lb of tapioca as in the picture .

Step 2:- Boil water with 1 teaspoon of  salt 

Step 3 :-Add the tapioca  , 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder  and cook until the tapioca  becomes  soft  .

Step 4:-Drain  in a colander .And then mash it and keep aside 

Step 5:-Grind 1 cup of  grated coconut ,  3/4 teaspoons of cumin seeds , 2-3 green chillies ,  3-4 garlic cloves ,  few curry leaves and 4-5 pearl onions and set aside . 

Step 6:-Add the  Step 5 ''coconut mixture'   into  Step 4 mashed tapioca  , combine well , Keep aside .


Step 7:- Heat a  pan  ,  add  a  table spoon of oil ( canola)  .

splutter 1 1/2 teaspoon of mustard seeds , 

 2-3 dried red chilliies  , 

few curry leaves and  finely minced  1/4  cup of  onion   or  finely chopped  5-8 pearl onion .

saute  until the onion becomes  golden brown in color. 

Step 8:- Pour over  'the tapioca ( step 6)  '    , Combine well.    ''Cook ''for another 2-5 minutes on low flame . 

Step 9:- Kappa Vevichathu  ready ..... ...Enjoy......JA- Mathew- 

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